Field Types


A text string. The “Length” field will specify the maximum length, with “MAX” indicating the SQL limit on text columns.


An integer.


Decimal(p,s) - Decimal Value. Exact numerical, precision p, scale s. Example: decimal(5,2) is a number that has 3 digits before the decimal and 2 digits after the decimal


‘Globally Unique Identifier’ (or ‘Universally Unique Identifier’)


Format: yyyy-mm-dd [hh:nn[:ss]] [{+/-}hh:nn], ( [] indications optional information ) Time zones: Times are managed within HIEBus™ including their time zone, however, not every system can provide or accept time zone information. To allow for flexibility, HIEBus™ supports time in the standard file format via two settings specifying whether or not the time zone offsets are included in date time fields and specifying whether or not the times in the date time fields are in UTC:

Include Offsets Times in UTC Date & Time in HIEBus Field in file
No No 1954-05-02 13:23:56 -05:00 1954-05-02 13:23:56
No Yes 1954-05-02 13:23:56 -05:00 1954-05-02 18:23:56
Yes No 1954-05-02 13:23:56 -05:00 1954-05-02 13:23:56 -05:00
Yes Yes 1954-05-02 13:23:56 -05:00 1954-05-02 18:23:56 -00:00

If the source data contains times in multiple time zones then either the time zone offsets will need to be included with the data or the data will need to be normalized to a single time zone. Examples:

  • Date with time and time zone: 1954-05-02 13:23:56 -05:00
  • Date with time to second and no time zone: 1954-05-02 13:23:56
  • Date without Time: 1954-05-02
  • Date with UTC time and time zone: 1954-05-02 18:23:56 -00:00


HIEBus™ refers to coded concepts as “terms”. A term is identified by a code and a coding system. Term fields within the data records of the files are communicated as a set of pipe delimited components as follows:

Code|Name|NamespaceCode|Family|Namespace description

Component Length Description Required / Optional
Code 128 Code uniquely representing the concept within the namespace. Example would be a specific ICD or CPT code: eg: 464.0 Required
Name 500 Description of what the code represents. Eg: Acute Laryngitis Optional but strongly recommended
Namespace Code 128 Code identifying the namespace for the term. It could be canonical like “ICD9” or a local namespace like “MainHospitalCerner” Required
Family 50 Property to further scope a term. For example, some namespaces manage multiple codes like gender and race. Suggested values will be provided. Optional – Can be automatically set on intake
Namespace Description 500 Description of the namespace: IE “International Classification of Diseases” Optional


  • 2823-3|POTASSIUM|LN|LabObservationType|LOINC,
  • NM|NM|CooperLABTermNamespace|HL7ValueType|Cooper LAB Term Namespace,
  • L|L|CooperLABTermNamespace|Acuity|Cooper LAB Term Namespace,
  • F|F|CooperLABTermNamespace|ObservationResultStatus|Cooper LAB Term Namespace

Term List

A term list field represents a list of terms as previously described above. Term List fields simply encapsulate each term by the <Term> and </Term> tags. Examples:

  • <Term>code1|name1|namespace1||</Term><Term> code2|name2|namespace2||</Term>
  • <Term>250|Diabetes|ICD-9|ProblemType|</Term><Term>E11.9|Diabetes|ICD-10|ProblemType|</Term>
  • <Term>49483-604-50|ibuprofen 500 TABLET, FILM COATED in 1 BOTTLE|NDC| MedicationType |</Term><Term>XYZ500|ibuprofen 500 Tab|TempSpace-CodeSystem|MedicationType|</Term>


IDs are used to cross reference the files within a single file set. The ID column is a surrogate key for the record and it must be unique across a file. There is no maximum length to this field. The (surrogate) IDs are not saved except in the case of caregiver and patient IDs where, sometimes, there may be a need to do so. In such a case, optionally, patient and caregiver ID are saved as demographic identifiers based on a configuration setting. The default is to not save any IDs.


This field will contain an ID (surrogate key) that will uniquely identify a line in another file in the same file set. There is no maximum length for this field. The REFs are not saved.


HIEBus™ stores audit metadata on each record in the database. This audit data is represented in the data records of the files as a pipe delimited value which is formatted similar to Term fields. The following information is contained in each audit field:


Component Description Required / Optional
AuditDate The date and time when the record was inserted or modified. This value follows the Date field format outlined earlier. Required
ApplicationName The name of the application (or driver) that created or modified the record. Required
ApplicationVersion The version number of the application at the time of extract. HIEBus™ does not store a version number for each audit, so the current version number is used. Required
UserName The user name of the user that created or modified the record. *Optional
FirstName The first name of the user that created or modified the record. *Optional
MiddleName The middle name of the user that created or modified the record. *Optional
LastName The last name of the user that created or modified the record. *Optional

*The field will be left blank if the user associated with the data is a system user

Data Source

HIEBus™ stores a code and name/description of the source of data. This ‘Data Source’ data is represented in the data records of the files as a pipe delimited value which is formatted similar to Term fields. The following information is contained in each Data Source field: “Code(field length = 50)|Name(field length =MAX)” NOTE: If only one field is provided (No pipe), then the entire string will be considered as BOTH the Data Source’s Code and Name.


Some data types may have a list of properties associated with it. These properties are represented by an XML string with the following format: <ArrayOfPropertyBagItem><Item N=”PropertyName”>PropertyValue</Item></ArrayOfPropertyBagItem>


HIEBus™ stores a code and name/description of the patient institution. The institution is used in part to determine visibility privileges for users/roles. This ‘Institution’ data is represented in the data records of the files as a pipe delimited value which is formatted similar to Term fields. The following information is contained in each Institution field: “Code(field length = 50)|Name(field length =500)”

NOTE: If only one field is provided (No pipe), then the entire string will be considered as BOTH the Institution’s Code and Name.