Data Types and Referential Integrity
SDF files should be processed in the following order to keep referential integrity. (For example; The Patient file must be processed before the LabReport file because the LabReport file may refer to a new patient that is not in the target system until the Patient file is processed.)
- RecordAuthority
- Term
- TermMap
- Patient
- PatientIdentifier
- PatientName
- PatientAddress
- PatientContactInfo
- Caregiver
- Encounter
- CaregiverRelationship
- Organization
- Location
- Diagnosis
- DiagnosisProperty
- Procedure
- Order
- OrderModifier
- Report
- ReportCopyToCaregiver
- LabReport
- LabObservation
- LabReportSpecimen
- LabReportSpecimenProperty
- LabReportCopyToCaregiver
- Insurance
- Referral
- ReferralProperty
- ReferralNote
- ReferralProblem
- ReferralService
- ReferralReport
- Claim
- ClaimProperty
- Medication
- Observation
- MedicationProfile
- MedicationAdministration
- Allergy
- AllergyReaction
- ClaimService
- ClaimServiceProperty
- ClaimProblem
- ClaimProcedure
- ClaimCaregiverRelationship
- DeviceDataPoint
- CareTaskRule
- CareTaskRuleProperty
- CareTaskGroup
- CareTaskGroupProperty
- ValueSet
- ValueSetMember