
The demographic data for each patient has been denormalized. HIEBus can manage multiple names, identifiers, and contact infos (phone, email) for each patient. The legal name, ssn and mrn identifiers, home and business phone numbers, and home address are communicated in the “PatientAddress”, “PatientContactInfo”, “PatientIdentifier”, or “PatientName” records. A system sending data to HEIBus may choose to send only a “Patient” record with that information or populate both the “Patient” record and the specific data records as appropriate.

Robust demographics are critical to patient matching algorithms. System submitting data to HIEBus should populate the demographic fields with all data they have available. In particular, name, address, phone, race, gender, and SSN should be considered required (if known).

Field Type Length Allow Null Natural Key Description
1 Record Type ID String

Indicates the record type. For this record it will always be “Patient”.

2 Default Institution Institution 50|500

Pre coordinated institution information. Code|Name


Surrogate key to a patient

4 Record ID GUID 40

<Internal Only>

5 DOB Date
6 Deceased Date Date
7 Deceased Bool 5

Will be either “true” or “false”

8 Gender Term
9 Race Term
10 Marital Status Term
11 Religion Term
12 Preferred Language Term
13 Identifier String 128

Part of Natural Key Identifier. Typically, the source’s or practice’s key Identifier for a patient

14 Patient Record Authority ID REF

Surrogate Key to a Record Authority. This field must match the “ID” field (Field 2) in the Record Authority file.

15 SSN String 50

Format preferred (###-##-####)

16 Ethnicity Term

code|name|namespace|family|ns desc

17 Access Policy Name String 500

CAN BE LEFT BLANK, BUT WILL BE SET TO A DEFAULT ACCESS POLICY. Access Policy name – pre coordinated value to determine access rites

18 Is opted out Bool


19 Opt decision date Date
20 Is shareable bool


21 Shareable decision date Date
22 Is sensitive bool


23 Sensitive decision date Date
24 Mrn Identifier String 64


25 Record Group ID  GUID 40

<Internal> Surrogate Key to a Record Group

26 Person ID GUID 40

<Internal> PersonID can be used as a person identifier like an MPI. RecordGroupIDs are ephemeral

27 Inserted Audit Data Audit

Audit data for when the record was inserted/created

28 Last Modified Audit Data Audit

Audit data for when the record was last modified