
Field Type Length Allow Null Natural Key Description
1 Record Type ID String

Indicates the record type. For this record it will always be “ClaimCaregiverRelationship”.


Surrogate Key

3 Patient ID REF

Surrogate key to a patientCorresponds to a (Patient line in the same file set)’s ID value

4 Claim ID REF

Surrogate Key to a ClaimCorresponds to a (Claim line in the same file set)’s ID value

5 Relationship Type Term Term

code|name|namespace|family|ns desc

6 Caregiver ID REF

Surrogate Key to a CaregiverCorresponds to a (Caregiver line in the same file set)’s ID value

7 Patient Identifier String 128

Used to look up existing patient. Part of Natural Key Identifier. Typically, the source’s or practice’s key Identifier for a patient

8 Patient Record Authority ID REF

Surrogate Key to a Record Authority.

9 Encounter Identifier String 128

Used to look up existing encounter. Part of Natural Key Identifier. Claim’s encounter.

10 Caregiver Identifier String 64

Used to look up existing caregiver. Part of Natural Key Identifier. Typically, the source’s or practice’s key Identifier for a caregiver

11 Caregiver Record Authority ID REF

Surrogate Key to a Record Authority.

12 Claim Identifier String 50

Used to look up existing claim (along with known patient and encounter)

13 Inserted Audit Data Audit

Audit data for when the record was inserted/created

14 Last Modified Audit Data Audit

Audit data for when the record was last modified