
The Encounter is the concept HIEBus uses to encapsulate specific patient interactions with the health system including inpatient visits, outpatient visits, emergency visits, future appointments, and virtual encounters such as phone calls. Encounters are used as input to real time alerting as well as population health analytics and quality measures.

HIEBus does not manage a separate Record Authority or assigning authority for encounter identifier. Instead, the identifier for encounters is only referenced in combination with the patient associated with that encounter. The unique encounter identifier in HIEBus is Record Authority, Patient Identifier, and Encounter Identifier.

The correct classification of encounters into inpatient, outpatient, emergency, recurring, etc. is key to both HIEBus Beacon alerting and Galileo population health analytics. HIEBus relies on values in line with HL7’s suggested values for patient class in user-defined table 0004. Systems submitting data to HIEBus are encouraged to use that value set.

Value Description
E Emergency
I Inpatient
O Outpatient
P Preadmit
R Recurring
B Obstetrics
C Commercial
N Not Applicable
U Unknown

If other values are used for patient class a dictionary will need to be provided by the sending organization.

Field Type Length Allow Null Natural Key Description
1 Record Type ID String

Indicates the record type. For this record it will always be “Encounter”.

2 Patient ID REF

Surrogate key to a patientCorresponds to a (Patient line in the same file set)’s ID value

3 Encounter ID ID

Surrogate Key for encounter

4 Identifier String 128

Natural Key Identifier. Typically, the sources key Identifier for an encounter. Could be visit number from a Hospital or a claim number from a claims management system

5 Admit Date Date
6 Discharge Date Date
7 Patient Class Term

For Example - E, I, O, P – see Patient class table above

8 Admission Type Term

code|name|namespace|family|ns desc

9 Discharge Type Term

code|name|namespace|family|ns desc

10 Hospital Service Term

code|name|namespace|family|ns desc

11 VIP Indicator Term

code|name|namespace|family|ns desc

12 Patient Type Term

code|name|namespace|family|ns desc

13 DRG Term

code|name|namespace|family|ns desc

14 Access Policy Name String 50

CAN BE LEFT BLANK, BUT WILL BE SET TO A DEFAULT ACCESS POLICY. Access Policy name – pre coordinated value to determine access rites

15 Patient Identifier String 128

Part of Natural Key Identifier. Typically, the source’s or practice’s key Identifier for a patient *Natural Key for existing patient

16 Patient Record Authority ID REF

Surrogate Key to a Record Authority.

17 Eligibility Date Date
18 Current As Of Date Date
19 Hospital Number String 20
20 Inserted Audit Data Audit

Audit data for when the record was inserted/created

21 Last Modified Audit Data Audit

Audit data for when the record was last modified

22 Admit Source Term Term
23 Admit Source Text String 200
24 Admit Source Alternate Terms Term List

See Term List Format – List of terms

25 Data Source Data Source 50|MAX

Code|Name. See Data Source Format - Source of the data