
Data in HIEBus is often stored with terminology in a local namespace. The data in the term fields in the extract will reflect the term with which the data was submitted into HIEBus. In many cases we will have mapped the local terms that may be associated with data elements to “canonical” terminologies like SNOMED, RxNORM, ICD10, etc. The mappings between the terms on the data elements and the canonical namespaces will be communicated via the “TermMap” record type. If a local term has been mapped to a canonical term you will find that mapping in the TermMap field.

If data is submitted into HIEBus with a primary term as well as with source specified translations for the primary term, the translations are stored into alternate term field which is a list of terms.

Systems submitting data to HIEBus are encouraged to use canonical terminologies in all of the term fields where you have a canonical terminology available.

Term is both a data type as well as a field type in HIEBus. Most terms are shared inline with the record (see field type of term in various record type ) but there are some specific scenarios where a term may have to be shared explicitly via the term record type too.